Friday 11 October 2013


XRIO represents the second generation of RIO file technology. The term RIO stands for Relay Interface by OMICRON, a technology that was already available with previous Test Universe versions. The X denotes "extended".

XRIO's predecessor, RIO, was developed out of a need for a uniform data format for parameters of protective relays produced by different manufacturers. RIO provides a common structure to allow functionally similar relays from diverse manufacturers to be tested with similar test procedures. Moreover, RIO permits relay characteristics to be imported into the Test Universe software from external sources.
XRIO data are organized in a tree-like structure of blocks, sub-sections and parameters with all of their properties and values as set in the Test Object

The XRIO technology features a number of benefits. Two major advantages are:
  1. Ease of use:
    In a special custom block, you can now enter names, units, values and definitions of test object parameters exactly as you know them from your protection relay. The user-defined names of those parameters appear at all relevant places throughout the Test Universe software. Test reports also display the parameters the way you defined them.
    A so-called XRIO converter is an XRIO file with the integrated formulas and dependencies to convert your relay settings into the OMICRON test object settings.
  2. Improved parametrization:Test object parameters are defined at a central place of the Test Universe software: The Test Object. This dialog box provides all the features to browse access and edit test object parameters. It also enables to create user-defined variables. These variables can contain values, formulas, dependencies or a combination thereof. Even simple logical

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